Laboratory Synergies

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A correct prescription of analytical chemistry methods is paramount for a successful and defensible environmental forensics initiative at your Site. At CQ, expert forensics consultants and the laboratory are not siloed. Instead, we personify environmental forensics consulting expertise fortified with unmatched technical laboratory acumen. At the core, we are a streamlined analytical chemistry & laboratory collective designed without operational bottlenecks. Our experts aim to support you with a seamless experience from the site to the laboratory, delivery of actionable chemistry data, and defense of expert reports. Offering you the right balance between chemical specificity, project cost, and overall product defensibility is paramount to us. Consequently, our strategies are bolstered with a range of forensics quality analytical chemistry data solutions that are not dependent on one particular laboratory:

  • Comprehensive quantitative determinations of volatile range (VOC) PIANO hydrocarbons, gasoline oxygenate additives, organic sulfur isomers, and lead scavenger constituents in oil, water, solids, and air matrices.

  • Certain petroleum-relevant ASTM methods, such as total sulfur and density.

  • Quantitative determinations of organic lead isomers in oil, water, and solids.

  • Comprehensive quantitative determinations of parent & alkylated PAHs and SPAHs.

  • Comprehensive quantitative determinations of saturated hydrocarbons, i.e., n-paraffins, isoparaffins, isoprenoids, and TPH/TRH in water, solids, and oil matrices.

  • A comprehensive review of light distillate range petroleum biomarkers, i.e., bicyclic sesquiterpenes, alkyl cyclohexanes, and isoparaffins.

  • Comprehensive quantitative determinations of residual range petroleum biomarkers, i.e., terpanes, steranes, and aromatic steranes.

  • VOC & SVOC spanning “Whole Oil” review of neutral hydrocarbons in non-aqueous phase liquids.

  • Bulk & compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) is a stable isotope chemistry of carbon and hydrogen atoms in oil and water. Our comprehensive CSIA service spans routine and non-routine VOC to SVOC chemical constituents. Routine VOCs include benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and toluene, while non-routine VOCs are specific to a project and focus on light gases, ultra-light crude oils, etc., and petroleum condensates. CSIA SVOC constituents include n-paraffins and parent PAHs.

  • Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water, including their metabolites.

  • Sewage tracers, sucralose, and caffeine in water.

  • Legacy halogenated compounds, e.g., dioxins & furans, PCBs, and chlorinated pesticides.

  • Phased forensics quality determinations of emerging halogenated compounds, e.g., PFAS.

  • Hyphenated GCxGC chromatography / high-resolution mass spectrometry - for petroleum sample sets requiring maximum analyte resolution and specificity.

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